September 30, 2008

Dream Jobs and Set Backs

Well, well, well, so here we are again. As most of you know I have been unemployed for the past 3 months or so due to the my previous company loosing there contract with DirecTV. So as you can imagine life has been a bit stressful, the day that I found out I was loosing my job was also the day that we closed on our new house, wow the way the world works! At any rate I have been on the hunt for a new job, with no luck. Until I got an email from an attorney friend, about a job with the state, I also got a call from my wife about the same job, and another email for a mentor of mine who's wife works for the same state agency. So I jumped and got all the info and the required documents in to the agency and was called for an interview.  I went to the interview and thought that things went very well, and then the waiting began. 
On Sunday my wife, Maverick and I went to my parents house for dinner after we had finished eating, I made the comment that they should be expecting a phone call from me around 10 or 10:30 because that is when i would be getting the call about my job, my dream job!
The next morning I got up and had my coffee and at 10:22 I got the call letting me know that I had the job! Now let me make this very clear this was all a gut feeling, god, whatever you want to call it. I had no idea that I was going to get this call!

About the set backs, I went for a run last Monday and things just didn't feel right my legs were heavy and tight and I could not find my groove at all. My back was sore afterwards and I felt like crap. So I waited and thought that my back was better and today I stepped out the door, and 5 steps in my back was screaming, so I walked for a bit and did some stretching. Now my back is killing me and I am not sure how to fix it. I just hope that I can be back on the road in a couple of weeks, I haven't tried the bike yet so I am not sure, we shall see.

1 comment:

lrigsby said...

So you are taking the job? What is wrong with your back? More updates porfavor.