September 20, 2008

Building the Foundation and Suffering the Whole Way!

No this is not about the idiotic  bush white house rebuilding the finicial foundations of this country, this is about me back on the road again.  After about 2 years off I am back at it. I have goals and the suffering has begun. I have forgotten how sweet the suffering can be though, 2 years is a long time, to do nothing, except get married, buy a house, remodel the house, change jobs, loose your job, get another dog, and the list goes on. Now look no one has to tell me that you can still squeez a 30 minuet run in if you want to, but you have to want to. Today is the day I actually want to, I want to get back to 6 min miles and runner's highs, I want people to see me on days that are miserable outside and think that guy is crazy. Those are the days I miss the most, but they will be here soon enough. So as the goals grow closer and the I have bad days, I will still step out the door and run and ride like I got no brains, and i will let you know the progress along the way. Good and Bad!!!! 

And I know that this is old news by now, but if this doesn't get you excited about the 09 road racing season nothing will!!!!!

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