December 4, 2008


Last december we had an ice storm right around this time, and coincidentally I stumbled across the pictures of what happened to our rent house at the time.  When this happened it was around 10 p.m. and the ice had finally stopped, and you could stand out on the driveway and listen to trees breaking. When the tree fell across the electric lines it ripped the meter (this is where you breaker box attaches inside) and the weatherhead off the house. This lead to the breaker box being ripped almost completely through the wall, and an electric fire in our backyard that the fire fighters looked at and said oh we can't do anything since electricity and water don't mix. We need to get a hold of the electric company and have them shut the power down.  Might I mention that my dad worked for the "electric" company for 35 years and has cleaned up after several tornadoes etc. I knew that there was no chance in hell they were coming to this!!!! The fire eventually broke the electric line and went out on its own.
 After all the damaging was figured 600,000 people lost power and several people lost there lives.

Here are some pictures of the damage!

November 25, 2008

Florida Judge Gets it!

Florida Breaks Ground 
This past week a juvenile judge in Florida ruled that the law that bans gays from adopting in Florida is unconstitutional. Congratulations Florida Juvenile Courts, you got something right! It amazes me that in Oklahoma, a state so red and oftenso wrong, has the idea that gays can be good and qualified parents. We have got something right. 
Now please understand this is something that is totally subjective. As a former social worker you can rule out a family from adopting one of the kiddies you care for, for no reason at all. It is totally backwards and wrong but the opportunity for gays toadopt is still there.
 I just hope that the ruling from the Florida Judge holds, this could be a huge step
in our country towards truly equal rights!!!!

November 24, 2008

Dog Pictures

Here are some pictures that my wife took!!!! Don't ask me how she does it because I don't know, but it is pretty amazing!!!

Saddie up close and personal
Drake sunning
Drake and Saddie
Me first

November 15, 2008

Like it or Hate it?

The link below leads to article from the local independent news paper here in Oklahoma City. The gentlemen that wrote the article was a professor of mine in college, and is a phenominal teacher. His veiws can be extreme at times, but there was never a lack of conversation. He greatly molded my view on the death penalty, he was filming a documentery about the first women to be excecuted in Oklahoma. He was a "spiritual advisor" and spoke on her behalf to the probation and parole board. As far as the article goes, I think that he is point on, but I want to know what you think! 

November 11, 2008

Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles

I received this email from  my mom who is a 5th grade teacher. 
We have been discussing Leonardo da Vinci in class. Somehow the topic of the Ninja Turtles and their names being like artists came up in class. One of my homeroom kids said, "My dad has all the REALLY old teenage mutant ninja turtle play guys." When I asked him how old he was talking about he replied, "Well, my dad is almost 26, so they're REALLY old!" I thought I was going to split a gut when he said REALLY old and then said 26.................... Now you all know how I feel! He went onto explain that it was his step dad and he, too, thought it was weird.

As I read this, I almost fell out of the chair laughing, so I would not cry. First off you munchkin, I am 28 and I am not REALLY old. Second of all, yeah I was a Mutant Turtles fan many moons ago. You got a problem with that kid? 
Just remember from the mouths of babes!!!!!

November 9, 2008

I Believe!

I have waited several days for the election results to settle in. I wanted to really process my thoughts about what President Obama means. 

Here is what I have come up with. I was amazed by President Elect Obama ever since he announced that he was joining the race. I believe in him! I was intrigued by the idea that a Kenyan born African American man could be the next great hope for our country. Now, it has happened. We have created a new dream for so many people. America's promise held true. It doesn't matter who you are, there is no limit to what you can become in this great country. 

What a magical and wonderful idea that was lost in so many just 4 days ago. I hope that all Americans realize what a great and truly inspirational moment that this is and that the possibilities of what are to come are endless. 

Here is the trasition site for President-Elect Obama!

October 23, 2008

Random Thoughts and Urinal Etiquette!!!

Urinal Stances, A Study
Originally uploaded by phil dokas

Just a couple of random thoughts this evening. First off, the World Series this year is fantastic, I am a Yankees fan, and nothing makes me happier than watching the Rays who have the 2ND lowest paid roster in Major League Baseball competing at a higher level than anyone else! Oh and seeing Boston loose but that is obvious. Second I have come to the decision that I am sick of election talk lets just get it over already, and vote it's important!!!!!! 

OK now for a little urinal etiquette, this comes from an experience at work in which I was using the bathroom at the urinal (obviously) and a person came in and with 3 open toilet stalls and 2 other urinals this lovely guy decides to stand right next to me. Now understand that when I say right next to me, I mean right next to me. There are 3 urinals on the wall to which I was facing and I was against the wall which automatically creates a buffer urinal, or so I thought!  Nope, not for this gent, he just strides right in and claims the urinal right in the middle, nods and says "Whew what a day!". Now my first thought was yeah what a day moron it is 10 am, then I thought wow all this open bathroom space and your dumb ass has to stand right next to me!!!! So I have decided that it is time that I take matters into my own hands, and set out some guide lines so that there is no confusion the next time that you walk into a bathroom. 

  1. If a buffer urinal is possible do so! Look I get it, if the movie just let out there is not such thing, but for gods sake use some common sense people! 
  2. You can pee in toilets in public restrooms it is not against any laws that I am aware of!
  3. Pick a tile on the wall and stare at it! AKA Mind you own damn business!
  4. Don't try to hold a conversation when you should be holding something else. (This isn't social hour you can talk outside after you get done!)
  5. Do not try to talk on the phone and the use the urinal, unless you got insurance. Becasue the last time I checked if you drop it, it's a straight shot!!
  6. It is not cool to drink and pee at the same time, matter of fact is nasty so knock that shit off!
  7. Don't set you beer on top of the urinal, because if that shit falls off and gets on me there is a good chance your getting peed on!
  8. If it is a troff urinal, all I have to say is hope your not shy, and start hanging out it places that have been updated this century!
  10. Be patient don't pee in the sink!
  11. Don't pretend to know me. I am not anti social, but it is a bathroom and I don't know you that well. 
  12. Before you whip around to head out of the bathroom, make sure all your seats and chairbacks are in the up right and locked postion! Check you fly moron!!!!
  13. Wash your hands !! Pee splatters!!!

September 30, 2008

Dream Jobs and Set Backs

Well, well, well, so here we are again. As most of you know I have been unemployed for the past 3 months or so due to the my previous company loosing there contract with DirecTV. So as you can imagine life has been a bit stressful, the day that I found out I was loosing my job was also the day that we closed on our new house, wow the way the world works! At any rate I have been on the hunt for a new job, with no luck. Until I got an email from an attorney friend, about a job with the state, I also got a call from my wife about the same job, and another email for a mentor of mine who's wife works for the same state agency. So I jumped and got all the info and the required documents in to the agency and was called for an interview.  I went to the interview and thought that things went very well, and then the waiting began. 
On Sunday my wife, Maverick and I went to my parents house for dinner after we had finished eating, I made the comment that they should be expecting a phone call from me around 10 or 10:30 because that is when i would be getting the call about my job, my dream job!
The next morning I got up and had my coffee and at 10:22 I got the call letting me know that I had the job! Now let me make this very clear this was all a gut feeling, god, whatever you want to call it. I had no idea that I was going to get this call!

About the set backs, I went for a run last Monday and things just didn't feel right my legs were heavy and tight and I could not find my groove at all. My back was sore afterwards and I felt like crap. So I waited and thought that my back was better and today I stepped out the door, and 5 steps in my back was screaming, so I walked for a bit and did some stretching. Now my back is killing me and I am not sure how to fix it. I just hope that I can be back on the road in a couple of weeks, I haven't tried the bike yet so I am not sure, we shall see.

September 20, 2008

Building the Foundation and Suffering the Whole Way!

No this is not about the idiotic  bush white house rebuilding the finicial foundations of this country, this is about me back on the road again.  After about 2 years off I am back at it. I have goals and the suffering has begun. I have forgotten how sweet the suffering can be though, 2 years is a long time, to do nothing, except get married, buy a house, remodel the house, change jobs, loose your job, get another dog, and the list goes on. Now look no one has to tell me that you can still squeez a 30 minuet run in if you want to, but you have to want to. Today is the day I actually want to, I want to get back to 6 min miles and runner's highs, I want people to see me on days that are miserable outside and think that guy is crazy. Those are the days I miss the most, but they will be here soon enough. So as the goals grow closer and the I have bad days, I will still step out the door and run and ride like I got no brains, and i will let you know the progress along the way. Good and Bad!!!! 

And I know that this is old news by now, but if this doesn't get you excited about the 09 road racing season nothing will!!!!!

September 11, 2008


Sorry the video is so dark was kind of a spur of the moment idea, but you get the idea!

So let me tell you now that Mav is part of the family he has not changed on bit. He is however becoming more and more of a fetching machine.We are talking for hours and hours and hours, he doesn't care how far you throw it or where it goes he is getting the ball and bringing it back to you. It is the most amazing thing that I have ever seen. Anywho that is all I have this evening!

September 7, 2008


On Labor Day, we got a call from a family that wanted to adopt Maverick, they were approved parents and had meet all the qualifications etc, to adopt him. This news was a blessing and a curse, because we loved Maverick and had taught him so much and watched him grow and become a loveable member of the family. Now we have to turn him over to a family that we have never meet. So as you can assume this was espically hard on Ashlee (my wife) becasue she had but so much work into making him the wonderful dog he is today. Intial plans were made that Mav would go on Wednesday to live with this family, they have two other dogs and two children one of which is autistic. So after all plans were made, the family called and could not meet, because the Mother (a Nurse) had to work at the huricane refugee center so they rescheduled for Friday.

Friday at about 6:45 pm we went to deliver Mav to his "forever home". Entering the Nieghborhood everything seemed fine and were pleased that there were decent sized lots that had room for Mav to play and run. We found the house, and from the outside it looked just fine the yard was well kept and the fence looked to be fairly new. As we aproached the door we saw a middle aged woman vacuming inside and asked us to wait just one second. Now this is when things started to go down hill, my wife at this pointed had already made the comment that she was not what she had expected. I had begun to notice that the house was very cluttered and that things seemed to be very disorganized, but this was the home and I was worried, but sure that everything would be fine.

After about two minuets of us standing ooutside on her porch watching her vacume she finaly opens the door and invites us in her home. Now let me state this loud and clear that we have 2 labs and Mav makes 3 so we know there temprament, and I also fully understand that no house is spick and span all the time espically not mine, but this was diffrent. As we entered the home the first thing that I noticed was the laundry room to the right that had clothing pile to the ceiling (literally!), and there was just stuff everywhere, kids toys, clothing , change....... But that was not all that was diffrent the lady was very kind, but seemed distracted the whole time we were there, we provided her with a folder of paperwork that included ceftificates of obidiance and notes on things that she might find helpful in allowing Mav to adjust. We also povided her a photo album that kept up with his progress while we have had him. None of this seemed interesting to her, she seemed uncomfortable by our presence, now I can imagine that my expression was less than extatic about the house conditions, becasue Mav is a chewer of all things great and small, and while we had been giving her the items listed above he had alread tried to eat several coins, and other small things that could cause him harm. Wanting to see the her dogs and Mav interact we asked her to let in her 5 month old black lab puppie to make sure that there would be no problems considering they are both males.

WOW, this dog had no manners what so ever, my dogs arent perfect so don't get me wrong here, but you could tell that there was no time spent with this dog and that he was very rarely allowed inside. Mav was skidish at first but adapted well and they were both playing in no time. We then went outside in the back yard to find another hazard filled area of plastic that had been chewed up by a dog as well as sticks, boards, plastic containers, kids sippie cups, and misc trash that had not been cleaned up. The adoptive parent assured us that this was not how the backyard normally looked and that they just ran out of time cleaning it up.

Mav and the puppy were playing chase running full out and the thrid 11 yr old dog was just barking and biting at Mav's flank. The yard had a large swingset fort type toy in the middle of the yard and there was a stump from a tree that they had lost in the ice storm that had grass overgrown around it. As Mav came barreling around the coner he hit the stump in a full out run, sending him head of heals, whining and yelping that something was hurt. Ashlee and I walked over to him to check him out while the adoptive parent stood and watched. We checked him over and he was not limping but very shaken by what had just happened and seemed to be very scared.

That is when it happened, Ashlee told the adoptive parent that it may be better to wait a couple of days so that they can get things cleaned up. I followed suit as tears began to build in this womens eyes, telling her that he was a very adventurous dog and can get into things in seconds and that I just knew she would feel terrible if something were to happen to Mav. We continued this line of conversation for what seemed like hours until we had worked our way back in the home, collected all of his things that we had brought and made our way back to the front door. The former adoptive parent was very upset, and said that she loved her animals and that she was a good and caring person. Talk about tearing our my heart with a wooden spoon, I really think that she was a good person and did take good care of her animals, my concern was that Mav is not your normal Lab he is wicked smart and very stubborn compounded by his past and his immune system problems. I felt terrible but knew that we were making the right deicsion, and that was not the home for Mav.

That night we before we had even made it home, we have decided that we are going to keep Mav all for oursleves. The Adoptive family was later denied for inappropriate living conditions.

September 3, 2008


So this evening I had dinner with my wife and ran some errands, and when we were almost home I realized that I had a prescription at the pharmacy. I parked the truck and headed in now mind you it is 8:45 on a Wednesday night. I went to the desk and waited a few moments and was joined at the counter by an elderly black woman who had obviously been at church (I could tell by her attire), also needing to pick up her prescriptions . We waited a few more moments and were greeted by a young white female that was wearing several Wicca necklaces and purple tinted glasses. The young pharmacy tech asked me what I needed and I informed her that I was picking up a prescription and gave her the personal info that she needed. As the pharmacy tech turned to walk to retrieve my prescription the elderly black woman looked at me and smiled and said "What she needs is some Jesus!" Now you have to understand that she thought she said this quietly, but contrary to her belief I am quite sure that the young pharmacy tech heard her. Fighting off laughter, I payed for my things and left, and walking out I thought to myself, if that girl had the confidence of the elderly women who had seen the worse of times and the best of times for her people, the young clerk may have said something back, but instead she didn't. She did not stand up for something that she proudly displayed around her neck and in her ears. I am convinced that if you are passionate and deeply believe in something that you must speak up. You must be heard. You must find your mountain and shout from it. This is not the time to be meek and mild.

Stand and deliver my friend!!!

Invisible Children

I just wanted to pass on the trailer for Invisible Children's new movie "GO". If you are not familiar with the Invisible Children documentary, it is a story of some guys from the US that go to Uganda Africa to document the story of the Ugandan children that walk at night from their villages to the closest city to avoid being kidnapped by the militas. It is a very powerful and educational film. I would highly encourage you to see it if you have not! So go rent it, buy it what ever, get educated!!!

Invisible Children Presents Go: The Schools for Schools Movie

September 1, 2008

Dog Swim in Norman

This past Sunday, the city of Norman held a fundraiser for there dog park by allowing dogs to swim in the city pool. Here are some pics of the action.......
The kids in the truck; ready to go!

Attempting to control all 3 dogs (can't exactly remember why!)

Maverick getting some air!!!


August 30, 2008


So this morning as I drink my coffee and listen to some music; I have been pondering why people pick the heroes they do. Why do some people look up to Paris Hilton, and some look towards Mother Teresa for inspiration?
To me it is much more about daily life, than a celebrity. Now that doesn't mean that Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., the Dali Lama, Jesus etc have not had a a profound effect on my life. I strive to have half the impact they had on this earth, but what about the mom and dad that work so hard to raise a child in a harsh world.
I have some friends that have a 2 year old daughter that I love to death, and they have such a beautiful balance of life. He stays at home with her, and her mom works, not only does she work but she works extremely hard. They respect each other and know that the roles are perfect for them. So here is what gets me, are they any less powerful than Mother Teresa? Do they not have the same aspirations to make the world a better place? Maybe they are not feeding the hungry in Calcutta, but they are raising a child that may grow to be a great world leader, so who knows what there lasting impact will be. I truly believe that it will be a great one!

My grandfather who is 95, once told me to let no one man define the role you play on this earth. Seems to me that we to often look to the cool kids to find our role rather than just digging in and finding the role that suits us best.


August 27, 2008


I have always joked that you know where you go for lying? WAL*MART.......It is not my favorite place for many reasons! So the other day I had to go to Sam's Club (Not quite as bad but still affiliated) because like it or not, sometimes it is just cheaper; I mean a lot cheaper than any place in town. After completing my shopping I was walking back to the truck and noticed an elderly lady standing in the parking lot talking to two men about something, feeling a bit nosey I walked down the isle of cars next to mine to get a better listen. As I approached it became very evident that she had misplaced her car and was completely turned around in the parking lot. Then the shock hit me, the men helping her were employees of Sam's club, now it has been my experience in the past that Wal*Mart / Sam's Club employees would much rather have a root canal without laughing gas, than help any customer especially someone that did not want to buy something. Imagine my surprise to find these men helping this little old woman find her car,
load all of her purchases for her, and make sure that she that she had everything that she needed.

This event made me wonder: just because you don't like a cooperation's values doesn't mean that the people working there have no values, or do not care. Who knows what would have happened if these gentlemen did not help out.


August 26, 2008


So we just moved into our new house and are putting things away, and getting things they way we want them. We began to go through books and quickly realized that we don't have the space for all the books that I have acquired over the years. My wife made the recommendation that I go through the books and see what I want to keep and donate the rest. My thought was they are books and you don't donate books, you read them you keep'em! Then I began to think, and we all know that can be dangerous, you know maybe some people cannot afford to go buy books. Some people cannot read etc...... So then I thought where is the best place do donate books, a library, goodwill, salvation army.. I decided on goodwill more out of connivance than anything, because there is a donation center near our home. I then began to think maybe what I am doing is a good thing, no it is a great thing. I am providing someone, somewhere a good book to read that they bought with there money, and if nothing else I have helped them learn something new. So I think I have come to the conclusion that maybe everyone should donate books that they have read, and will not be using any more. Maybe just maybe if everyone donated books we would live in a better place? Who knows maybe I am crazy, but I think that it is a possibility!?!

Just something to think about.

August 23, 2008

Rescue Dogs

So this is the first of many appearance on the "Blog", so here goes. As some of you may know we are foster parents for heartland lab rescue, and currently have a black lab named Maverick. He is one of those dogs that never stops, he never stops running, tackling, chewing, drooling, biting, and living life. Maverick sleeps when he wants to, runs when he wants to and is never afraid to go for one heck of a swim especially if it involves fetch! What I have come to realize about rescue dogs is that they just aren't normal. Now some may take this as an insult, but ole Maverick would take it as the best compliment he has ever received. Maverick doesn't care about what is going on in life or how bad his past has been he is a fearless ball of energy that loves you till you are blue in the face.

One of the great stories to date took place this past Friday around lunch time. I had been doing some work around the house and decided to take a break for lunch and have a PB&J and some goldfish ( A personal favorite). I made my sandwich with all three dogs sitting directly behind me begging as usual. I told them all to go on because I was not feeling generous, I then picked up my plate (yeah a real ceramic plate) and began to make my way to couch to watch the news as I ate. I took about two steps forward when Maverick decided that I had gone far enough, and made his move. He jumped up landing both paws directly in the center of the plate catapulting the sandwich and goldfish though the air and onto the floor, where all the dogs joined in the festivities.

My first thought was to get them back and put a whoopin on Maverick and send him back outside, but I reconsidered and extended the dogs some generosity and allowed them to clean up the mess for me. I calmly picked up the plate that landed on my feet, saving it from shattering, and took it to the sink as the dogs feasted on the sandwich. I then proceeded to make another sandwich and eat it at the kitchen sink to overt any other attacks from the "Mav".

This is life with rescue dogs they are unpredictable and loving as hell. I just hope that I can return the favor and find him a fantastic "forever" home.