So we just moved into our new house and are putting things away, and getting things they way we want them. We began to go through books and quickly realized that we don't have the space for all the books that I have acquired over the years. My wife made the recommendation that I go through the books and see what I want to keep and donate the rest. My thought was they are books and you don't donate books, you read them you keep'em! Then I began to think, and we all know that can be dangerous, you know maybe some people cannot afford to go buy books. Some people cannot read etc...... So then I thought where is the best place do donate books, a library, goodwill, salvation army.. I decided on goodwill more out of connivance than anything, because there is a donation center near our home. I then began to think maybe what I am doing is a good thing, no it is a great thing. I am providing someone, somewhere a good book to read that they bought with there money, and if nothing else I have helped them learn something new. So I think I have come to the conclusion that maybe everyone should donate books that they have read, and will not be using any more. Maybe just maybe if everyone donated books we would live in a better place? Who knows maybe I am crazy, but I think that it is a possibility!?!
Just something to think about.
7 years ago
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