January 22, 2009


I went skiing over MLK Day weekend, and took this photo at the top of North Dome 12,600 ft.

Panorama 1

January 21, 2009

New Camera

Here are some pictures i have caught with the camera my wife got me for Christmas. The camera is a Nikon coolpix s210, i wanted something small that i could carry anywhere, and use easily. It is brilliant!!
Trees at my house

My 95 year old Grandfather/Hero!

Sunset on the way home from work, sometimes Oklahoma is the best!

January 10, 2009


Just a couple of random things I thought I would share. First is that for Christmas I got a season pass to Winter Park, now i know what you are thinking you live in Oklahoma what are you going to do with a season pass to a CO ski resort. SKIIIIIIIIIII Whew i am excited!

Second, my fantastic Wife got a new camera, and I thought I would show off some her stuff she is super talented!!!!


I have a friend, her name is Liz or E. Rose as I like to call her, and she changed, boy did she ever change! You see Liz is the youth pastor at the church that I attend and we have been good friends for many years. We were went to college together where we were on the rowing team and spent many morning at 5 am suffering through very rough workouts in very cold conditions. Like I said she is my friend! Any-who, Liz is a bit spontaneous as they say, and if you ever talk to her this is what the conversation felt like at times: "akljdflajhdflkhadfnasdofnadfnoaidfhlasdhflashdofihaodnfasdfoiahofnaldfgalhdfiha" 
Now keep in mind that Liz is one of the most upbeat and fun people I know, whether at 5 am or 7 pm it makes no matter. So the conversations were a blast just a bit overwhelming at times!

So this fall Liz found out that she got accepted to a spiritual dance program in Berkley CA, and since dance is a passion she jumped at the opportunity to use one of her passions to minister! 

Great right? Well, like I said earlier she changed! Liz came back in late December and the first time I saw her was at the Christmas Eve service, and she looked the same, she danced and her dancing looked more polished but she still had her unique style, but it was still Liz. So the youth had a lock-in and she asked if I could help, and of course I said sure, and that is when I noticed it. Now, you have to understand something about the way Liz runs a youth group if you ask her what time she will say 6ish, the ish part is super important because she doesn't get caught up on the whole schedule idea etc. So Liz addressed all the kiddos after they all arrived, and something was different she was organized. I could not pinpoint it at first but things were planned, structured, or as structured as you can be with 30 Jr. high and high school students. I was flabbergasted, this is not the Liz I know this is not the semi organized chaos that I am familiar with. What the heck is going on, who stole the youth director? 

Now don't get me wrong her spunk and funk was still there it was just.... controlled and moderated. So E. Rose, welcome back and congratulations you've changed. Not only have you changed, but you have changed for the better!