Last december we had an ice storm right around this time, and coincidentally I stumbled across the pictures of what happened to our rent house at the time. When this happened it was around 10 p.m. and the ice had finally stopped, and you could stand out on the driveway and listen to trees breaking. When the tree fell across the electric lines it ripped the meter (this is where you breaker box attaches inside) and the weatherhead off the house. This lead to the breaker box being ripped almost completely through the wall, and an electric fire in our backyard that the fire fighters looked at and said oh we can't do anything since electricity and water don't mix. We need to get a hold of the electric company and have them shut the power down. Might I mention that my dad worked for the "electric" company for 35 years and has cleaned up after several tornadoes etc. I knew that there was no chance in hell they were coming to this!!!! The fire eventually broke the electric line and went out on its own.